Speak In Any Language. Get Deal Insights In Email And CRM

Sybill analyzes conversations in over 100 popular languages to create high-quality summaries and CRM updates.

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to enable multi-language support

44% of enterprises report losing 10%+ revenue/year due to poor CRM data.

68% Sellers they would be more productive if they didn’t manually update their CRM.

High performing sales team uses Sybill

Why opt-in for Sybill's Multi-Lingual Support

Expand your Total Addressable Market
Foster trust by speaking in the prospect's preferred language
Sybill analyzes calls even with multiple languages used in one single call.
Get English summaries for organizational clarity on deals.
Book a Demo

Eliminating grunt work with AI

Accurate Call Summaries
Sybill joins sales calls, analyzes conversations in 100+ languages, and provides English summaries to streamline deal progress. Save 5+ hours/week in follow-ups and preparing for the next call.
AI Follow-up Emails
Sybill drafts a personalized follow-up email for each call based on its summary and drops it in your reps’ inbox. Send personalized follow-ups in English with one click, regardless of the call language.
Auto-populate CRMs
Sybill automatically updates your CRM fields after every call and email for seamless CRM hygiene and organization-wide visibility.
Understand Buyer Intent
Figure out who was most engaged and who zoned out. Structure your deals based on what triggered positive sentiments in the decision maker and who could be a champion or detractor.
Supports Over 100+ Languages
German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, Portugese, Dutch and so many more...
Check them out

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