What Really Happened On That Call: In Conversation with Heather Murray

September 23, 2024

It's been an interesting few weeks over at the Sybill office. Ben and I have been catching up with some fun podcasters and YouTube creators to talk about all things Sybill, AI, sales, AI for sales, and making life and work a little easier.

Even more interesting is that nearly all of these individuals we have spoken to are Sybill superusers. And they have validated everything we set out to do - making sellers more human.

Heather Murray, Beesting Digital Director and YouTube creator, is no different. And her interview with me starts with just that - her experience with AI products in recent years and how Sybill (and our industry peer, Humantic - hi there, fellow wavemaker!) stand out in the game. We spoke about several other things, including AI for sales, what's up with Sybill these days, and how Sybill got its name. Fun story - you'd want to know, especially if you're a Harry Potter fan like most of the Sybill team.

Click here to catch up on Heather and my conversation.

Sybill - A True AI Friend-Mentor-Guide for Sales Pros

Delving into the heart of AI for sales, Heather and I talk about the magic of Sybill in sales workflows.

From automating follow-up emails to seamlessly integrating with CRM systems, Sybill’s single-minded goal is to make life easy for sellers, freeing them from time-consuming tasks and making them more human. And more productive. All at the same time.

At the core of Sybill's magic lies its ability to provide a deep understanding of sales calls, going beyond mere transcriptions. It captures not only conversations but also emotional intelligence, helping sellers comprehend critical moments of distraction and gauge prospects' interest levels. Unlike generic summarization tools, Sybill doesn't just scratch the surface. It refines decks and provides engaging insights, not merely acting as a wrapper on top of Open AI. 

Sybill's emotional intelligence superpowers also paint a more holistic picture of the buying committee, revealing what truly happens in sales conversations. All to enable more accurate follow-up action and sales forecasting.

Saving 5+ Hours Per Week - What’s That All About?

Heather was curious about how we figured out that sales pros saved 5+ hours a week with Sybill. Interestingly, all we had to do was ask our users.

In the conversation, we got into the nitty gritty of what sales pros were doing with that newfound time. Fostering connections and rapport with prospects instead of mind-bogglingly boring admin tasks - just AI used well and sales done better, that's all.

Ever wondered why it's called Sybill?

Sybill’s name finds its roots in Harry Potter’s Prof Sybill Trelawney, an iconic character famous for her predictions using various methods, including tea leaves. 

All we did was replace those tea leaves with conversational and emotional intelligence, making predictions a little less eccentric and a lot more accurate :)

Click here to listen to the rest of my conversation with Heather Murray.

Or click here to start your own journey of saving 5+ hours a week with AI for sales.

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Get started with Sybill

Accelerate your sales with your personal assistant

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It's been an interesting few weeks over at the Sybill office. Ben and I have been catching up with some fun podcasters and YouTube creators to talk about all things Sybill, AI, sales, AI for sales, and making life and work a little easier.

Even more interesting is that nearly all of these individuals we have spoken to are Sybill superusers. And they have validated everything we set out to do - making sellers more human.

Heather Murray, Beesting Digital Director and YouTube creator, is no different. And her interview with me starts with just that - her experience with AI products in recent years and how Sybill (and our industry peer, Humantic - hi there, fellow wavemaker!) stand out in the game. We spoke about several other things, including AI for sales, what's up with Sybill these days, and how Sybill got its name. Fun story - you'd want to know, especially if you're a Harry Potter fan like most of the Sybill team.

Click here to catch up on Heather and my conversation.

Sybill - A True AI Friend-Mentor-Guide for Sales Pros

Delving into the heart of AI for sales, Heather and I talk about the magic of Sybill in sales workflows.

From automating follow-up emails to seamlessly integrating with CRM systems, Sybill’s single-minded goal is to make life easy for sellers, freeing them from time-consuming tasks and making them more human. And more productive. All at the same time.

At the core of Sybill's magic lies its ability to provide a deep understanding of sales calls, going beyond mere transcriptions. It captures not only conversations but also emotional intelligence, helping sellers comprehend critical moments of distraction and gauge prospects' interest levels. Unlike generic summarization tools, Sybill doesn't just scratch the surface. It refines decks and provides engaging insights, not merely acting as a wrapper on top of Open AI. 

Sybill's emotional intelligence superpowers also paint a more holistic picture of the buying committee, revealing what truly happens in sales conversations. All to enable more accurate follow-up action and sales forecasting.

Saving 5+ Hours Per Week - What’s That All About?

Heather was curious about how we figured out that sales pros saved 5+ hours a week with Sybill. Interestingly, all we had to do was ask our users.

In the conversation, we got into the nitty gritty of what sales pros were doing with that newfound time. Fostering connections and rapport with prospects instead of mind-bogglingly boring admin tasks - just AI used well and sales done better, that's all.

Ever wondered why it's called Sybill?

Sybill’s name finds its roots in Harry Potter’s Prof Sybill Trelawney, an iconic character famous for her predictions using various methods, including tea leaves. 

All we did was replace those tea leaves with conversational and emotional intelligence, making predictions a little less eccentric and a lot more accurate :)

Click here to listen to the rest of my conversation with Heather Murray.

Or click here to start your own journey of saving 5+ hours a week with AI for sales.

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